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Player of the Week

April 29, 2024

Our Indy Star Player of the Week! ❤️🏆❤️

One of the hardest workers I know. Gives the game and her teammates everything that she has. And, through it all, simply tries her best to give God the glory. She makes me and her dad so proud.

Big thanks to all who took the time to cast a vote, and especially to the faithful army of folks who took it upon themselves to make sure this happened for her. Please know that with every click of the button, you weren’t just throwing a vote her way, you were saying, “We believe in you.” And I know that means the world to her. You guys rock!

Heart & Soul

April 25, 2024

This was sent to me last week.

Gave me instant chills.

It was taken during the most intense moment of the Tri-West game. (2 outs. 7th inning. Tie ball game. 0-0. Runner in scoring position. Strikeout.) She pours her heart & soul into the game, and this captures that perfectly. I’ll treasure it forever.


April 25, 2024

Last week, as I was taking one of my evening walks down our driveway with Haven and River, our dog Sparrow darted off into the weeds (as she often does). She came back out a few seconds later with a squealing baby bunny in her mouth. Haven started screaming and ran toward her (even though he knows it isn’t safe for him to run). River and I ran toward her as well. I tried to pry her mouth open and couldn’t. River was screaming at her to stop. Both boys had a firm grip on her collar, pulling and trying to get her to open her mouth. Haven started crying. I grabbed a stick and placed it behind the bunny to try to pry Sparrow’s mouth open. Eventually, it worked. The bunny dropped out. I was sure it would be dead. But, surprisingly it wasn’t. It started aimlessly hopping around. Sparrow lunged toward it. Haven and I held Sparrow back by her collar as River ran toward to bunny, soaked in saliva, and eventually caught it. He sprinted over into the weeds (without care or concern about possible thorns, briars, or burrs), and placed it as close as possible to where he thought Sparrow had found it. He sprinted back out and then headed off to our house to get Sparrow’s leash. She wanted to go back into the weeds to finish the job. But, the boys were determined to keep her from doing it. River frantically returned about three minutes later, with a leash in hand. We got Sparrow secured. Haven was still crying. River was out of breath. But, they were so relieved. I haven’t seen them that scared in a long time. As we walked back to our house, River kept saying, “We did it! We saved it. We did it!”

Once we got back to the house, and things had calmed down, I gave both of them the biggest hug and told them how proud I was of them. So, so proud. Without hesitation or concern for themselves, they jumped in to help “the little guy” with so much love, care, concern, and compassion. I told them that I hope they never lose that desire to step in to help the helpless – to stand up for the “little guy” – and to love the unloved. As I stepped back and thought about all that had happened, my heart was filled with hope.

Yes, it was just a bunny.

But, someday it won’t be a bunny. It could be a friend. It could be a stranger. Will they step in and help, at all costs? If what happened in our driveway last week is any indication, I think that they will. Those two sweet boys are helpers, at heart. And I’m hopeful that they always will be. 🤎

A New Birthday Era

April 15, 2024

I’ve entered a new birthday era with Sidney. 🎂💗🎂

This year, she did the planning for her birthday party and created her own invitations. No need for Mom to do that anymore. It was kind of bittersweet! After treating her and her friends to a birthday dinner at Stone Creek, Morganne and I left so that they could go off and celebrate the night away, shopping and movie-watching at the mall. She had a blast! Big thanks to all of the lovely ladies who came out to celebrate with her!

Blowing Out the Sun

April 15, 2024

Haven’s Eclipse Birthday Bash 🌙🧡🚀💙🌞

No candles were needed for his cake this year. This year, he got to blow out the sun on his birthday instead. (How cool is that?) He was over-the-moon excited about the whole experience, and I’m sure it’s a day he’ll never forget. I know I won’t. Thanks to all who came to celebrate with him!

A Life that’s Good

April 6, 2024

Happy Birthday to my beautiful Sidney!!

A life with her is a life that’s good. 🌷💗🌸💗🌷

She’s so sweet, so special, and so much fun. She loves to sing and dance with me. She loves to laugh with me (and at me 😜). She fires me up as I watch her compete on the softball field with her signature energy and enthusiasm. She lights up every stage she steps onto, and draws me in as she performs. She works so hard in and out of the classroom. She exudes warmth and kindness. And, most importantly, she radiates the love of Jesus. Always has, ever since she was a wee little thing. What a blessing it has been to love her, and be loved by her, for all of these years. The daughter who was once my little girl has now grown up to be one of my very best friends. I couldn’t ask for more.

Wishing her the happiest day, followed by the happiest year!!

Thank you, Caitlin Clark.

April 5, 2024

In just two short years, you’ve elevated women’s sports to a whole new level, and had an immeasurable impact on female athletes (from every sport). You’ve shown my daughters what just ONE powerful woman can accomplish when she works hard, sets goals, and throws her entire self into her God-given skill set.

We currently have a female vice president in this country who has been practically invisible these past four years, and the impact she’s had on the lives of my daughters has been minimal at best. Though she sits in the most influential office that a woman can hold in this country, my daughters can’t say that she’s had any sort of meaningful influence on their lives.

But, you?

You are highly visible.

You have made an impact.

You have proven that women who are handed positions of power pale in comparison to those who actually create their own positions of power. Those women are the real difference-makers. And you are one of them.

I appreciate what you’ve done, #22.

My girls appreciate what you’ve done.

So many female athletes appreciate what you’ve done.

Good luck tonight.

We’ll be rooting for you! 💛

Easter 2024

April 5, 2024


Faith, family, friends, food, kite-flying, creek-stomping, egg-hunting, Purdue basketball, sand volleyball, & sunshine!

More than a team.

March 27, 2024

Dads v. Daughters Scrimmage 💗🏐💗

The tradition continues. My heart is full.

As long as God allows me to coach volleyball, this is how I want my teams to end their seasons. I love watching the joy and laughter that take place when families come together to play, watch, and enjoy the game of volleyball together. That’s the good stuff. That’s the stuff that sticks, and creates memories which can last a lifetime…

One of my prayers heading into this particular season was that this team would end up feeling more like a family than a team. As I looked through these pictures today of our scrimmage/end-of-season celebration last night, I could see that prayer was answered. This team became a family this season, and being a part of it has been one of the best athletic experiences of my life. Morganne would tell you the same thing (and so would Haven – who became one of our #1 fans and looked forward to tournament days just as much as we did!)

This team not only bonded, loved, and supported one another over these past five months, they also killed it on the court. They exceeded all expectations.

The NUF 13U Lions finished their season with an overall record of 29-8 (the best in the NUF Volleyball Club). They were 4-time medalists. They had 7 gold bracket finishes (out of 9 tournaments). And they are regionally ranked at #9 on the Top 100 list for 13U teams. Not bad for a rookie club team full of small town girls whose practice facility happens to be a church in the middle of a cornfield! Ha! 😉

So grateful for this season, these girls, their families, and the God who watched over it all. He was so gracious to us, from start to finish, and blessed us far more than we deserved. 💗


“God can do anything, you know – far more than we could ever imagine or guess or request. He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Glory to God.” (Ephesians 3:20)

State Champs!

March 18, 2024


For the first time in school history, Plainfield High School’s Belles et Beaux won the ISSMA Show Choir State Championship last night. Sidney and her friends worked incredibly hard for this. Couldn’t be happier for them!!